Just found this GREAT Blog.
http://wobblywilliams/com/ humour, hope and Parkinson's. This blog is out of Scotland and one of their tabs is for TryAthletes; I feel like that is the perfect way for someone of my inability/untried-ability to begin thinking about an exercise program. As the mother of an Ironman (who now claims to be a Titianium Alloy Man...since his near fatal accident that nearly severed his foot and resulted in a long plate and many screws to hold his foot together at the ankle) I have to admit that I have been totally unmotivated to do much in the way of exercise and my body is showing it. Now, since my Parkinson's diagnosis, I am convinced that I must become a TryAthlete and get myself on the adult tricycle that sits unused under the carport and get back in the swimming pool, if only with the senior water-walkers. A yoga class might be fun and I've heard that Tai-Chi is really good for balance. For the past twenty years I've encouraged Don to keep active and I've excused myself because taking him to all his appointments, etc. took up too much of my time. No more excuses, I've only been kidding myself, anyway...this is long over due! I think that the very least I can do is become a "TryAthlete".
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